- Of course, tenants of the various houses in Baan Sammi are free to contact each other, may it be through direct conversations, contacts via the Internet, visits, invitations, etc.
- New tenants, whether on long-term or short-term stay, can and should be encouraged to find a convenient opportunity to engage directly with the other tenants, whether it is just a greeting or a personal introduction. There is, of course, no obligation to do this, but perhaps there are expectations on the part of the other tenants. However, all parties involved are expected to respect each other's private space, including private garden space.
- It may happen that a tenant tries to get information about other tenants through Khun Sam and Khun Dieter. In principle, however, we will not pass on any private data of our tenants to other tenants or third parties. We only allow ourselves to give a tenant's first name (or nickname) to other tenants. Neither telephone numbers nor email addresses are passed on. Only if a tenant expressly and in writing asks Khun Dieter to transmit a private telephone number or a private email address or other address of this tenant to another specific tenant, for whatever reason, will Khun Dieter comply with this request.
- There is a "Baan Sammi Group" on LINE, a social media application. LINE is available on Android, Apple, and Windows devices (PC, laptop, mobile phone, tablet). "Baan Sammi Group" is open to all Baan Sammi tenants, including Khun Sam and Khun Dieter. For outsiders, including former tenants, this group remains inaccessible. All topics related to Baan Sammi can be addressed and discussed in this group. Examples of such topics are the announcements of the pest control company to spray against termites, of the air-conditioner company to maintain the air-conditioners, of the village major to temporarily disconnect from the main electricity supply by PEA or other village-related announcements, announcements by Khun Sam or Khun Dieter about temporary switching off the internet or any other supply for maintenance, or about the temporary use of noisy devices such as the garden shredder, chain saw or reciprocating saw to cut tree and bamboo stems. Additional personal notification of such announcements is usually not practical, for various reasons, including the fact that such external announcements reach Baan Sammi on short notice.
- Published contact details of Baan Sammi: If someone lacks the contact details to reach the owners of Baan Sammi and would like to request them, any of the following links can be provided:
• General information about Baan Sammi:
BAAN SAMMI — DOI SAKET, CHIANG MAI, THAILAND (บ้านแซมมี อำเภอดอยสะเก็ด จังหวัดเชียงใหม่)
• General information about Baan Sammi Nature Retreat:
BAAN SAMMI NATURE RETREAT (บ้านแซมมี เนเจอร์รีทรีต บ้านให้เช่า)
• General information about Bambusetum Baan Sammi:
Bambusetum Baan Sammi, Chiang Mai, Thailand (สวนไผ่บ้านแซมมี จังหวัดเชียงใหม่)
• General information about the bamboo offers:
https://thai-bamboo-plants.blogspot.com/ - Each Blogspot site mentioned above has a "Contact Us" post at the end; that is the oldest post.
These "Contact Us" posts contain the owners' email addresses, phone numbers, and, most importantly, instructions on contacting the owners by phone, as this requires a specific procedure. - If visitors made an appointment and have arrived at Baan Sammi: Among other information, these visitors received the link, "Street View of Baan Sammi"
which instructs the visitors not only on how to identify Baan Sammi from the public street, but also on how to enter through the main gate and find us in the office or the garden.
It happened and may happen occasionally again that visitors did not read the text of this link, thus standing helplessly in front of one of the gates and ringing one or more doorbells. If they bother a tenant by ringing the bell, we ask the tenant to inform us of the visitor's arrival and to ask the visitor to wait and be patient. - Visitors may arrive without an appointment at Baan Sammi, and we are temporarily not at home: If they ring the doorbell of any tenants, we kindly ask the tenant for the following actions.
• Firstly, ask the visitor to supply his/her contact details (name, email, phone number), best written on a sheet of paper, and tell him/her we will get in contact with him/her in due course.
• Secondly, you may forward any of the above links (of Section 5) to the visitor, which enables him/her to contact us. Do not let him/her enter the property; do not write down our phone numbers and hand him/her over.