01 January 2025

30 — Ants

  1. Ants in a kitchen, room, or even a bed are unwanted animals. They typically do not prefer to enter the interior of a home unless invited by the unintentional provision of food by the people living inside. 
  2. Red ant
    Any type of food, mainly sugar-containing food, even of the smallest, invisible size, attracts ants, often within less than half an hour from exposure. 
  3. To avoid an ant invasion, you are requested to tightly close any containers and bottles with food, not make crumbles of bread and cake, keep any open food in the refrigerator, and wipe up tables and kitchen tops frequently. Wipe the floor wet using a floor cleaner, and if this is not sufficient, then use an insect killer spray. 
  4. The aforementioned precaution and countermeasures can also be applied to combat cockroaches. 
  5. An ant invasion may also be caused during and after heavy rain, when the ants' environment is flooded, then they are in search of a dry place to survive. In this case, only an insect killer spray may help you. 
  6. Tree-living ants may invade a house, usually the upper part or an attic, when tree and bamboo branches lean on the house, thus providing a bridge for the ants. In this case, please, let us know and we will try to cut the branches off.