01 January 2025

29 — Mosquitoes

  1. Rentals (Plumeria Home, Dillenia Home, Tai Saeng Chan Pavilion, Lychee Lodge): All interior living spaces, mainly bedrooms and living rooms, of all our houses are mosquito-tight if mosquito-screen windows, doors, or mosquito-screen doors have been closed. 
  2. Clerodendrum Chalets (not offered for rent): There are only a few rooms (bathroom and kitchen of the Clerodendrum Chalet) that cannot be fully protected against mosquitoes. The kitchen of the Clerodendrum Chalet has 2 wall fans, which can prevent mosquitoes from landing quite well. For the bathrooms, in case of mosquitoes enter when opening the door, we recommend using a mosquito killer spray (e.g., Shieldtox Naturgard 2): Spray into the room for 2 seconds only, wait 1 minute to enter the room, then you will hardly be attacked by mosquitoes for the next 20 minutes. 
  3. In case you accidentally let enter one or a few mosquitoes into a room, you could spray the room intensively with a mosquito killer spray, then wait for 20–30 minutes before entering and using the room again. 
  4. There are several alternative methods to kill mosquitoes in a room, e.g., electric mosquito swatter racketselectronic insect killers, and indoor insect traps. On request, we will give you some tips. 
  5. Usually, you don't need a mosquito net over the bed, but if you wish so, we could supply such a net for certain homes. 
  6. If you want to sit or lie on the terrace or in the garden, and wish to prevent mosquitoes, do use incense sticks, mosquito smoke coils, a fan, or a mosquito trap
  7. If you want to walk or work in the garden, and wish to prevent mosquitoes, do use a mosquito repellent liquid spray (e.g., Soffell) for your clothes, and a mosquito repellent lotion (e.g., Soffell) for your skin. These remain effective for about 2 hours. 
  8. The most effective clothes to prevent mosquitoes are long trousers, long-sleeve shirts, a hat, clothes of light color, rather thick clothes, or wide non-skin-fitting clothes, and rubber boots. This clothing is also good for sun protection. 
  9. Don't let mosquitoes breed in your private garden: empty saucers (under plant pots) and ceramic pots (under outdoor taps that supply village water) from standing water once every week. During the rainy season, saucers are not needed and you can place saucers upside down with a plant pot on top. The ceramic pots can also be placed upside down.
  10. Mosquito reproduction: From egg to egg hatching (larvae stage): 1–3 days, from larvae to the pupal stage: 7–10 days, from pupal to the adult stage: 1–3 days. Hence, the reproduction period of a mosquito is typically 9–16 days.